Use Helmfile for Deployment in Offline Environments

Helmfile is an orchestrator tool for collecting, building, and deploying cloud-native apps. Basically it’s the packager for helm chart based applications.

One of the interesting ideas I came along recently, is utilizing it for working in air-gapped environments, where access to the internet is not feasible.

Use Case

Let’s say you were deploying an application to a Kubernetes cluster. The idea is to package all dependencies and manifests beforehand in a local or control machine, then push the consolidated deployment directory to the offline machine.

The diagram below depicts the flow.

Example Deployment

The script below is a custom version of deploying Dex in offline mode, as an example.

A simplified helmfile would look like this:

# helmfile.yaml

- name: dex

  verify: true
  wait: true
  waitForJobs: true
  timeout: 600

  - name: dex
    namespace: dex
    createNamespace: true
    chart: dex/dex
    version: 0.11.1
      - config:
          issuer: {{ requiredEnv "OIDC_ISSUER" }}
            type: kubernetes
              inCluster: true
            skipApprovalScreen: true
          staticClients: []
          connectors: []
      - ingress: {}

The following script saves archived version of the chart’s assets inside ./output.



docker pull ${IMAGE}:${IMAGE_VERSION}

# tagging is optional
docker tag registry.local.lan/${IMAGE}:${IMAGE_VERSION} \

docker save registry.local.lan/{IMAGE}:${IMAGE_VERSION} \
-o ./output/images/{IMAGE}:${IMAGE_VERSION}.tar

helm repo add ${CHART_REPO} 
helm pull ${CHART} --version ${CHART_VERSION} --destination ./output/charts/

Then, it should be a matter of executing the following sequence to prepare the final build directory:

$ BUILD_TIME=$(date +%Y-%d-%m-at-%H-%M)
$ ./
$ export $(cat .env | xargs)
$ helmfile fetch
$ helmfile build > ./output/final-$BUILD_TIME.yml

In case helmfile binary is not available in the target environment, just template plain manifests.

$ helmfile template > ./output/final-${BUILD_TIME}.yml

Finally, on the production node you would run something similar to this:

$ docker load -i ./output/*.tar
$ docker push
$ helmfile sync --skip-deps -f ./output/final-*.yml 
# In case `helm` is not available:
$ kubectl apply -f ./output/final-*.yml

As you can see, this method is extensible and can be generalized in many ways for any helm-based deployment. For the complete example listing, refere to the github repo here.


The challenge that is imposed due certain security or compliance reasons in air-gapped environments should not be used as an excuse to not adopt best practices of cloud native delivery!

Several CNCF projects already are simplifying working on such environments, like harbor, rancher, k3s, among others. In case you’re working with helm applications that are not yet friendly in the offline mode, the steps discussed earlier using helmfile and some scripting should suffice for plenty of use cases.
